Tonights guests will include Lily Mulcahy, Young Adult Survivor Thyroid Cancer, Joanna Isbill, VP Bussiness Development & Colimnist, Cherry Wunderlich, Director of Publications and Outreach, Gary Bloom Executive Director, ThyCa.

Nick Groff is co-founder of the wildly successful Ghost Adventures Crew. Entering its 7th season, Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures has a rabid following that transcends mere fandom - Nick's calm strength and humanity are vital components of that dynamic.

Our host Stacey Monroe welcomes X Factor contestants Diamond White, Johnny Maxwell, Brandon Hassan, and CeCe Frey to E! GEMZ Radio! They will be speaking about the life, music, and X Factor experience.

Grammy Nominated Singer/Songwriter Tamia talks "Beautiful Surprise" project with Ashbeezy!

t's a HUGE week on PDC Live!!! as we welcome Michael Pena, who stars in this weeks big release End of Watch with Jake Gyllenhaal. I don't know how we'll find the time but we also have reviews for all 7 of this weekends major releases.

Vinny Bond welcomes Lisa Biales and her finger-style guitar work, Doug Briney from Alaska adding some country to the show and Paula Harris and her naughty full-blast blues sound from San Francisco.

Tommy Benizio President and CEO Texas Revolution (And former IFL Commissioner) for the new IFL (Indoor Football League) franchise in Allen, Texas. Also the Commissioner of the IFL Robert Loving and head coach of the Nebraska Danger Mike Davis.

Forbes columnist Jenna Goudreau joins Deborah Shane to discuss this years ?FORBES 100 most powerful women in the world?. It is Forbes annual snapshot of women who impact the world.

'Our Sarah - Made in Alaska' is a joint effort by Sarah Palin's father, Chuck Heath Sr., and brother, Chuck Heath, Jr. This book is their story and their explanation of who they are and how Sarah came to be the person she is now.

Today The Dereck and Kay Show is joined by comedian Magnum Jackson! Oktobrtfest begins Friday, September 22nd! Plus, Dereck's got the Weird News, Kay's got the Hot Topics and the best of the BlogTalkRadio "test shows" (it's all in fun!).

Join Kim as she discusses the importance of living your Authentic Life with Centric's "Amateur Millionaires Club" star Dorothy Cook Monday, September 24, 2012 6p.m.cst/7p.m.est on Your15Minutes Radio. Follow the conversation on twitter @your15minradio

Lenore Luca welcomes Giselle Bonilla, who stars in the brand new show Mr. Box Office. Viewers may know her from her from her recurring role on Nickelodeons Supah Ninjas last year. Giselle will be chatting with us about her new role and what's next for her!

Actor/writer Chazz Palminteri (A Bronx Tale, ABCs Modern Family, TNTs Rizzoli and Isles) joins Dominic Antignano, and Manhattan Film Institute's co-founder and actor/writer Tony Spiridakis to discuss MFI's film projects.
Source: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sportsdebate/2012/09/24/sports-debate-radio-the-nfl-rundown-week-3
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